Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Fullmetal Alchemist

Fullmetal Alchemist (鋼の錬金術師, Hagane no Renkinjutsushi, lit. "Alchemist of Steel"), commonly abbreviated as FMA or Hagaren, is a manga series created by Hiromu Arakawa and serialized in Enix's (now Square Enix) Monthly Shonen Gangan. It has also been adapted into an anime TV series and a movie sequel, as well as several spin-off novels and video games. The manga is still running in Japan, and 18 volumes have been released so far. The anime, on the other hand, is finished, and consists of 51 episodes and a full-length movie sequel. Both incarnations (the manga and the anime) have seen massive popularity in both Japan and North America. The series won the Animage Anime Grand Prix prize in 2003. In September 2005, the anime was voted #1 most popular anime of all time in Japan in a TV Asahi web poll, and was #1 again in 2006. In 2005, Anime Insider named it "Series of The Year."[citation needed] It was nominated in six of the eight categories for which it was eligible at the American Anime Awards in February 2007, winning awards in five of them: Best Long Series, Best Actor (Vic Mignogna), Best Cast, Best DVD Package Design, and Best Anime Theme Song (Rewrite by Asian Kung-Fu Generation). It was also nominated in the category of Best Anime Feature for Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa. Awards were given in twelve categories, and no other anime won more than two.

Major Character
  • Edward Elric: The main protagonist, Edward ("Ed") Elric is the famous Fullmetal Alchemist, though Al is occasionally mistaken for him because of his armored body. He has a prosthetic automail right arm and left leg, is of short stature, and typically reacts in an exaggerated manner to any remarks about his height. He is known for being the youngest State Alchemist, gaining this title at the age of 12.
  • Alphonse Elric: Alphonse, often nicknamed "Al," is Fullmetal Alchemist's secondary protagonist; he is Edward's younger brother and the narrator of the series. For most of the series his soul is trapped in a large suit of armor, causing other characters throughout the series to confuse Al with the "Fullmetal" Alchemist. Alphonse is the calmer of the two, and can be seen as a foil to Edward's character.
  • Colonel Roy Mustang: Roy Mustang is known as the Flame Alchemist. His gloves are made of a special material called "ignition cloth," which allows him to create a spark by snapping his fingers. He then uses alchemy to change the oxygen density in the air with the help of transmutation circles on his gloves, causing a controlled explosion. He is Edward's direct superior officer in the military, but has his own goal, mainly to become the Führer, leader of the military.
  • Winry Rockbell: Winry is a mechanical expert who is a childhood friend of the Elrics. She, along with her grandmother Pinako, built Edward's automail, and she also helps maintain the automail when it gets broken. Her parents were called into service as doctors for the Ishvalan Civil War (Ishbalan Civil War in the Funimation's adaptation of the anime) and were killed, because they were providing services to both sides of the army(curing all injuries regardless of side).
  • Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye: A hard-working member of the state military, and a loyal, capable aide to her superior officer, Roy Mustang. She is especially proficient in the use of firearms and a good marksman. While she may be level-headed, she sometimes uses her shooting skills in situations where they may not be entirely necessary. There is an unspoken relationship between her and Mustang.
  • Lt. Colonel Maes Hughes: A member of the Investigations Division and a good friend of Colonel Mustang and the Elric brothers. He wishes to push Mustang up to the position of Führer by working closely under him. Hughes loves his wife, Gracia, and is overly enthusiastic regarding his love for his daughter Elysia, and talks about her to everyone he meets.
  • Scar: One of the few surviving Ishvalans (Ishbalans in the Funimation's adaptation of the anime). His real name is never revealed, but he is referred to as "Scar" because of the X-shaped scar on his face. Scar's right arm, which is tattooed with a rare transmutation circle, was given to him by his brother shortly before he died. Scar believes himself to be an instrument of God, and kills State Alchemists using his alchemical skills, despite the fact that he believes alchemy is an abomination against the natural world.
  • King Bradley: Known as the Führer, he is the military dictator of Amestris, holding the official political title of president (King is his first name). Although he seems to be quite easy-going and perhaps a little eccentric, he has a mind like a steel trap, and maintaining Amestris is his chief priority at all times. He hungers for war and is constantly sending troops to locations all over Amestris, "purifying the land." He is also renowned as an exceptional swordsman. In the anime he is the Homunculus Pride, while in the manga he is Wrath.
  • Hohenheim: Ed and Al's mysterious father, who disappears a few years after they are born.
  • Lust: Sultry and cool-hearted, she is the first of the Homunculi encountered in the series. She has the power to extend her fingers into a spear to use as a weapon, and is thus known in some translations as the "Ultimate Spear" or "Ultimate Lance".
  • Gluttony: A large figure who eats anything he can get his hands on, including humans and inanimate objects. He latches on to Lust like a child to a parent.
  • Envy: Sarcastic, sadistic, and cold-hearted, Envy has the ability to change appearance. He hates mankind, viewing them as pitiful and weak. His appearance is androgynous although he is male.